
Interior design style of Palais Garnier Theater


The Palais Garnier was designed as part of the great reconstruction of Paris during the Second Empire initiated by Emperor Napoleon III, who chose Baron Haussmann to supervise the reconstruction.


Architecture and style

The Palais Garnier is a building of exceptional opulence. It seats an audience of about 2,200 under a central chandelier which weighs more than six tons, and has a huge stage with room to accommodate as many as 450 artists. The style is monumental and considered typically Beaux-Arts, with use of axial symmetry in plan, and its exterior ornamentation.

宫殿装饰有精美的彩色大理石饰边,柱子和豪华的雕像,其中许多描绘了希腊神话。在剧院前立面的圆柱之间,许多伟大的作曲家,莫扎特,罗西尼,丹尼尔·奥伯,贝多芬,迈耶伯,梅耶贝尔,摘要哈雷维,斯波蒂尼和菲利普·奎诺恩。中央屋顶群,阿波罗,诗歌和音乐是Aimé小米的作品。两个镀金的人物和谐和诗歌都是由查尔斯·古梅里(Charles Gumery)设计的,而山墙两端的两个较小的青铜色佩加斯人的人物都来自尤金·路易斯·莱克尼(Eugène-Louis Lequesne)。

The facade incorporates major multifigure groups sculpted by François Jouffroy (Harmony), Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume (Instrumental Music), Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (The Dance, criticized for indecency), Jean-Joseph Perraud (Lyrical Drama), and other work by Gumery, Alexandre Falguière and others. The interior consists of interweaving corridors, stairwells, alcoves and landings allowing the movement of large numbers of people and space for socializing during intermission. Rich with velvet, gold leaf, and cherubim and nymphs, the interior is characteristic of Baroque sumptuousness. The ceiling area, which surrounds the chandelier, was given a new painting during 1964 by Marc Chagall. This painting was controversial, with many people feeling Chagall's work clashed with the style of the rest of the theater.
