

Glass has always been considered the main material to use in Modern interior design for its special qualities of transparency and shimmering look, however this didn’t help the criticism it got for the lack of strength against being fragile, so experiments were made to proof its strength and came up with great but expensive results.

研究员Lars Berglund的研究瑞典皇家理工学院,寻找一种具有相同质量透明度的新的实惠的材料,但具有高效的耐用性,因此他开始努力弄清楚木材新的性质,透明木质综合效果来存在。

透明木材在玻璃上的优势在于它具有不透明的木材的所有强度 - 但仍然留在光线下。此过程可用于从透明木结构中创建所有从未破裂或破碎的承载窗口的所有内容。想想如何用于创造完全新型的可持续太阳能电池板,制造出木材而不是化学处理过的玻璃。
