

The Umayyads chose Damascus to be the capital of the Islamic world, they combined the art from the pre-Islamic era in the Arabian peninsula and the Ghassanid architecture , the Ghassanid architecture was highly influenced by the Byzantine and Sassanian, therefore the Umayyad’s style represents a transitional stage between the orient Christian arts to the Abbasid style.






该住宅建筑的最突出的例子是叙利亚黎凡特市中心的Al-hayeer al-Gharbi宫,它具有独特的塔楼和门,也是al-Rasafah城市,被称为Hisham bin Abdul Malek之后,被称为Rasafat Hisham,这座城市被认为是a great example of the Umayyad’s architecture, and Al-Mushtah Palace which is attributed to the Umayyad Ruler Al-Waleed Bin Abdulmalek located in the south of Amman, is a rectangular layout surrounded with semi-circular towers and it has large yards for the purpose of ventilation instead of windows to keep the palace private and safe. Another example for the Umayyad’s architecture is Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. There was also Omara Castle in which large arches were involved in its construction.

萨马拉(Samara’a)清真寺是这个时代的杰出建筑的一个例子,它具有非常大且高的宣礼片,看起来几乎像亚述Zujret。在这个时代,人们通常为整个城市寻求一个布局,而不是分别为每个建筑物的布局。巴格达市是这种建筑的一个很好的例子,它具有圆形的布局,被称为圆形城市,有四个入口,例如Bab Khorasan,Bab al-Basra,Bab al-Kufa。

艾哈迈德·伊本·图伦(Ahmed Ibn Tulun)于254AH来到埃及,并被阿巴斯(Abbasid)任命为259AH埃及的统治者,他将伊拉克的阿bbasid建筑的艺术转移到埃及,通过建造一座以他的名字命名的清真寺,该清真寺拥有独特的尖塔,外部楼梯独特,但第三和第四是具有矩形插槽的尖塔的山顶。清真寺的布局是细长的,有传统的菜肴,稍后添加了麦芽(阿拉伯语单词没有翻译),以服务崇拜者。在盘子的每一侧都有用于祈祷的屋顶走廊,而Kiblah的一面的数量最多,这座清真寺的拱门是尖的,由柱子或矩形部分支撑,而天花板则是装饰品和古兰经的木制梁经文。

The Umayyads chose Damascus to be the capital of the Islamic world, they combined the art from the pre-Islamic era in the Arabian peninsula and the Ghassanid architecture , the Ghassanid architecture was highly influenced by the Byzantine and Sassanian, therefore the Umayyad’s style represents a transitional stage between the orient Christian arts to the Abbasid style.